Monday, August 23, 2010

Some Reasons Why I Love My Family...

In no particular order here are just SOME of the reasons I love the family God has blessed me with! God is Good!

1. Family Dedication Days
-Friday was Luke's ONLY day off this week so we dedicated it towards the three of us spending continuous time together! :) The festivities began with Luke's Famous Breakfast! Chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, eggs, smoothie, and Some yummy coffee! We then started the Day with the Garden Party Putnum City School's OPAT had for all the babies and their families (My Mother-In-Law works there.) Maddie decorated a planting pot with her cute lil hand prints as well has planted her very own flower! We also read books, played in the sand, Maddie watered plants, and we spent some time with our good friends Michael, Krystal, and Rayleigh Cain. We then made it home just in time for some lunch and a good family nap! After napped we went to the dollar movie at North Park Mall where we all shared a large popcorn and drink! The movie Shrek 3 was super cute and Maddie loved it! We dappled in a little shopping and then headed home for more good ole quality time!

2.Constant Smiles
-Thanks to the adorable cheeks God gave my two favorite people I get to see their big ole smiles and hear their contagious laughs on an hourly basis! :)

3.Family Dance Offs
-Their is nothing like starting your day with some good music playing in the kitchen while the bacon is cracking! The moves Luke and Maddie have are OUTRAGEOUS! hahaha! Luke and I love ganging up on Maddie and getting to listen to sweet laugh. Needless to say my husband knows how to shake his tush, Maddie is learning good moves at a younge age, and momma still has her groove! :)

4.You scream, I scream, we All three scream for ice cream!
-Trips to Braums is the best way us Reimers know how to keep it cool when it is 102 degrees out! Luke indulges in a reeses mix while my lil turtle and I enjoy a frozen yogurt twist!

5.Good morning! Good morning to You!
-For those of you who dont know Luke and I since day one decided that we are going to practice attachment parenting! So we have been so lucky to wake up to our lil turtle's happy and refreshed face for almost 13 months now! Every morning we wake up and sing "Good morning...Good morning...Good morning to YOU!!" and "Good morning to You...Good morning to You....May God Bless Your dayyyyy....Good morning to you!" Cheesy yes I know but thats ME! Now that Maddie is older she loves to share her cuddle time between Luke and I as well as wrestle with Luke in the mornings! Our big bed is so much fun in the mornings! :)

This list is too be continued....Time for me to hit the hay!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Maddie's LuLu is back!

So for the summer my cousin Chelsea (Maddie's Lu Lu) moved back to Idabel! Now she is back and we couldn't be happier! She got her first apartment over by my old apartments near Lake Hefner. It is cute to boot! My grandmother, Chelsea, Maddie, and I went to the Rink (an antique mall) and she got the CUTEST furniture! Maddie ended up with an adorable pink headboard for her soon to be big girl room thanks to my amazing grandmother! Chelsea had her first dinner at her apartment serving us cabbage rolls, potatoes, and salad with homemade salad dressing! YUMMMMM!!!! After a weekend of moving and a handful of girls with Big opinions of their own deciding what should go where I think her big girl move was a success!

All in all I am proud of my little cousin! She has made me so proud of her with all her ambition and goals! When the going gets tough she holds her head high! Oh and we both missed her so much over the summer we have decided now that she is back we will definitely have to plan on making up for lost time! Love you Lu Lu!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Poop in the Potty!

For those of you who dont know Luke and I have decided to introduce the potty to Maddie early on so that away we arent changing and cleaning diapers when she is 2 or3! We started about two-three weeks before she had turned one. We did the whole bit...took her to the store and let her sit on three different potties and letting her choose the winning potty! She chose a cute pink Baby Bjorn potty! We brought her home and made a BIG deal about her potty being in the bathroom with Daddy and Mommy's potty, sang some silly songs, and of course we made up some silly dances to go along with it! The next morning we set her on the potty for the very first time and it was a success!!!! We sang and danced celebrating her very first tee tee in the potty! Since then I have been setting her on the potty every morning when she wakes, after her nap, and before her shower at night and so far so good! Now just recently, August the 13th to be exact, she POOPED in the potty! It was her usual after nap potty time and she asked for her book to read on her potty and Wa La Poop! I was so excited I texted everyone I knew...well mostly family! I really wanted to take a picture of her but Luke wouldnt let me, he said that was gross! haha! Needless to say I am so proud of my lil Turtle and I think we can all say I am going to be one of those very embarrassing parents we all know and hopefully love! :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Turtle is ONE

Ok, so it has been six months since I started this blog and posted my last blog so i guess it is time to start back up again and just cross my fingers that I will find the time to keep up with my posts!

I suppose its only appropriate to start with my little Turtle turning ONE! Six months ago I posted how Maddie was just turning six months and how I felt sad and how in denial I was as to how fast she was growing. Well now my little turtle is ONE and I cant believe my eyes! She is the brightest, funniest, and adventurous little One year old I know! Words cant describe how blessed and in love I am with this little girl! She is walking everywhere and anywhere (sometimes in circles..haha)She loves singing and holding conversations on end! The dance moves she has should be patent! haha! I am past her turning one and going from baby to Toddler (I still think baby) being sad and now looking forward to watching her grow! I treasure everyday and every moment a little more now that I know they truly go by so fast! I am so excited to start my blog back up and fill you all in on our journey and adventures!